
What is a Kodiak Canuck? By the very word Canuck, I could say I'm a born Canadian, or I could say I follow the "Vancouver Canucks", which is one of six Canadian teams in the National Hockey League. I grew up on an island in British Columbia, and now live on an Island in the North Pacific, known as Kodiak, the "Emerald Isle".

Thursday, September 07, 2006

It's called unguwatet asiyaturtut - "Hearts Going Towards Wellness"

During the month of September 2006, approximately 50 or more people will gather on Woody Island Alaska, to attend Kodiak's first, "Hearts Going Towards Wellness" Conference. That is the literal meaning of the Alutiiq words unguwatet (oong oo watet) asiyaturtut (azee ya dook tut). Participants and leaders will gather for five and a half days, to learn about the deeper inner healing that can take place from the woundedness and brokenness of our past, that can affect us today. Twelve Teaching Topics from the "Journey Guide" manual, Personal Stories by the "story tellers", and Small Groups, is the format. Local and other leadership from off the island will spend three days prior to the HGTW in training. Prayer is such an important foundation to the success of this conference, which will be attended by people from Kodiak and some of the villages around Kodiak Island. The dates are Sept 20-25. I will try to add some color by way of photos from the conference when it is over.


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7:39 AM  

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