What is a Kodiak Canuck? By the very word Canuck, I could say I'm a born Canadian, or I could say I follow the "Vancouver Canucks", which is one of six Canadian teams in the National Hockey League. I grew up on an island in British Columbia, and now live on an Island in the North Pacific, known as Kodiak, the "Emerald Isle".
The Newest Grandbaby - Harli
Harli Lin Ross
Was born in Everett, Washington November 20, 2008 to the proud parents Richard and Jennifer Ross. Richard is our youngest son, and this is Rich and Jen's first child. We are so proud of them all.
We were not able to be present for the birth, but the other set of grandparents, Ron and Linda Ortman of Marion South Dakota were.
Harli is a real bundle of joy.
New Grandbabies
Abigail Rayne Tourbin,
Daughter of Eric and Rebekah Tourbin was born May 27, 2008 in Port Angeles Washington. Linda and I were there for her birth, and what an excited time that was. She is a real doll, and we are enjoying an extended time of getting to know her better, as Rebekah and the girls are staying with us this winter.
Ross Grandkids in Kodiak Winter 2009
Right across the street from our home is the Baranoff Park. This was the first stop shortly after our grandkids arrived here on January 17, 2009.Labels: Ava Briane and Elena Christine Tourbin