Grandkids visit Kodiak" quality="high" salign="lt" width="426" height="320" wmode="transparent" name="rockyou" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="
What is a Kodiak Canuck? By the very word Canuck, I could say I'm a born Canadian, or I could say I follow the "Vancouver Canucks", which is one of six Canadian teams in the National Hockey League. I grew up on an island in British Columbia, and now live on an Island in the North Pacific, known as Kodiak, the "Emerald Isle"." quality="high" salign="lt" width="426" height="320" wmode="transparent" name="rockyou" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="
Puffins are a very interesting and colorful sea bird. Most often viewed on the ocean feeding on small needlefish, they can often be seen as in this photo, nestled among the cliffs and rocks close to the water. The Horned Puffin is a very common type of Puffin. I wish I could say I took this photo, but must give credit to someone else.
It was Saturday morning July 22 2006. Our Son Jon had come to Kodiak with his two daughters Lily 5, and Lauren 3. They would be staying with Grandma Linda and Grandpa Alan for about three weeks. And so the Halibut fishing trip was on with a friend offering to take us out in his 24 foot aluminum skiff. We left the dock at St. Paul's boat harbor around 9 am, and headed to Cape Greville, over very calm conditions. The forecast was for two foot seas - virtually "flat calm" - on Chiniak and Marmot Bays. Yes!! this is my kind of fishing weather. As the hours we going by, and no Halibut, we decided to troll for King Salmon, which also didn't produce any fish. After trying a few places off Greville for Halibut and Salmon, Jim said, "let's reel in and go down by Ugak Island, off Narrow Cape". This was a spot that Jim had done good in the past. About 35 minutes later, we were dropping our anchor and our freshly thawed out Octopus bait I had been given from a commercial Halibut "Longliner" friend of mine." quality="high" wmode="transparent" width="426" height="320" name="flashticker" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=