What is a Kodiak Canuck? By the very word Canuck, I could say I'm a born Canadian, or I could say I follow the "Vancouver Canucks", which is one of six Canadian teams in the National Hockey League. I grew up on an island in British Columbia, and now live on an Island in the North Pacific, known as Kodiak, the "Emerald Isle".
Wednesday, October 09, 2013
After living in the city of Kodiak on Kodiak Island for 26 years, we felt God leading us to Kenai Alaska on the mainland in June 2013. We will be continuing with our mission agency, "InterAct Ministries, Inc" - but are on loan to "ALASKA FREEDOM JOURNEY" - a native led ministry looking at teaching and discipleship of Alaskan peoples. Part of this is the continuing ministry of "HEARTS GOING TOWARDS WELLNESS". (see our growing website: www.heartsgtwellness.org
We will be adding some photos of our recent HGTW conference that took place on "Lazy Mountain" in Palmer Alaska Oct 3-7 2013.
God Bless you.
Alan & Linda Ross