
What is a Kodiak Canuck? By the very word Canuck, I could say I'm a born Canadian, or I could say I follow the "Vancouver Canucks", which is one of six Canadian teams in the National Hockey League. I grew up on an island in British Columbia, and now live on an Island in the North Pacific, known as Kodiak, the "Emerald Isle".

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

We had an amazing 17th Annual Kodiak Crusade for Christ in November and then

traveled to two Kodiak villages, Ouzinkie and Port Lions. God put together a pretty interesting team made up mainly of folks from the Anchorage Native New Life Fellowsip. Gary Simple from Venetie, Alaska near Fort Yukon, on the Arctic Circle, was one of our speakers. Gary has been in Kodiak a number of times for our Crusades. Many of the people attending enjoyed his music and speaking, as well as the others from Anchorage. We were blessed by being able to travel to Ouzinkie and Port Lions. Many of our friends there, appreciated our coming.. Great traveling weather, except for the last day, when we got weathered in, in Port Lions. Even that was a blessing as we met together for prayer with a number of folks from the Hillside Bible Chapel. After prayer that eveing, the winds just dropped right off allowing us to return to Kodiak the next morning.